Tennessee, how long do you typically exercise? Did you know you could get a good workout in 10 minutes? This week's article gives examples of how you can get a great workout in 10 minutes. We hope you find this helpful and motivating!

Reading time: 6 Minutes

MWi Hacks:

  • Learn ten full body 10 minute workouts
  • Get fit by doing a little exercise everyday

MWi Summary:

  • Any exercise is better than no exercise. Even 10 minute workouts can be effective.
  • Bodyweight workouts are still an effective way to exercise.
  • Below you will find a variety of 10 minute workouts that can be adjusted to your current fitness ability.
An hour-long workout is just not happening today.
When your schedule is almost too hectic to deal with, a 10-minute workout can be a real lifesaver—and, honestly, a sanity-saver as well. Making time for exercise might feel like a hassle at the moment, but you’ll very likely be glad you did it. Working out comes with a host of health benefits, from boosting your immunity to helping you sleep better at night. Plus, workouts don’t have to be long-drawn-out affairs to be effective or for you to get any benefits from them. When done right and with appropriate intensity, a 10-minute workout can be an incredibly effective way to work up a sweat, get your heart pumping, and get your muscles working. Plus: When you compare 10 minutes of working out to zero minutes of working out, 10 minutes is almost always better! And now for the ten in ten:

1. This beginner-friendly routine is a great way to kick off your week.


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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

10-Minute As Many Reps As Possible: • 5 Push-Ups • 10 Squats • 16 Plank Taps • 20 Jumping Jacks Rest 45 seconds

This workout can be modified to fit your fitness level—focus on minimizing your rest if you’re looking for a challenge. Get the workout details here.

2. This four-move workout will leave you breathless.

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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

Repeat 4x: • Squats — 30 seconds • Knee Pushups — 30 seconds • V-Ups — 30 seconds • Mountain Climbers — 30 seconds Rest — 30 seconds

Squats + push-ups + v-ups + mountain climbers = major sweat. Get the workout details here.


3. If you’ve got zero extra minutes to rinse off afterward, this no-sweat strength workout is a great option.

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Graphic by Valerie Fischel

Do each move for 2 minutes. Rest 30 seconds between exercises. • Bodyweight Squats • Pushups • Plank With T-Rotation (switch sides after 1 minute) • Alternating Standing Oblique Crunches

Not every workout needs to leave you drenched in sweat. Get the workout details here to learn how to do each move appropriately, if you need some guidance.

4. Jumpstart your day with this cardio blast.

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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

For beginners, do each move for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds between moves. For intermediate, 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. And to make it advanced, do each move for 50 seconds, rest for 10 seconds between moves.

Repeat 2x: • Mock Jumping Rope • Burpee With Push-Up • Squat Jump • Plank Taps • Jumping Lunge

Tailor this workout to your fitness level or based on how you’re feeling on any given day—some days, the high-intensity option might be the move, and other days not so much.

5. This no-equipment circuit workout challenges you to work harder in order to earn extra recovery time between sets.

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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice 

For each circuit in this 10-minute workout, you have 2 minutes to complete the following moves. Use the remaining time left over for rest until the 2 minutes are up, and then do the circuit over again.

Repeat 5x: • 5 Burpees • 10 Pushups • 15 Plank Jacks • 20 Jump Squats Rest

Your rest time depends on how quickly you complete the four exercises in these two-minute circuits. Get the workout details here.


6. The burpee challenge in this short workout seriously ups the intensity level.

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Jocelyn Runice

This ladder workout increases the reps of each move with each circuit—so you start with 1 rep of the main moves in circuit one (the first minute); 2 reps per move in the second minute; 3 reps per move in the third minute; and so on. For the remainder of the time after you complete your reps, you do as many burpees as possible. Whew!

0:00 — 1:00 • 1 Dumbell Thruster • 1 Jumping Lunge • 1 V-Up Then do as many burpees as possible for the remainder of the minute

1:00 — 2:00 • 2 Dumbbell Thrusters • 2 Jumping Lunges • 2 V-Ups Then do as many burpees as possible for the remainder of the minute

• 2:00 — 10:00 Continue increasing the rep count for the first three exercises by one rep each minute until you reach 10 minutes

As many burpees as possible? Challenge accepted. Get all the dirty work out details here.

7. This total-body strength workout will power up your week.

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Jocelyn Runice

10-Minute AMRAP: • 8 Squat Thrusts • 8 Squat Jumps • 8 Reverse Lunges with Twists • 8 Tricep Dips • 8 Bent-Over Rows Rest for 1 minute

This heart-pumping workout will leave you feeling energized and sweaty. Get the workout details here.


8. Squeeze this morning workout in before breakfast to get it out of the way on a busy day.

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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

• Dynamic Stretches — 1-minute warmup

Repeat 3x • Push-Ups — 1 minute • Plank Hold — 1 minute • Squats — 1 minute

This A.M. workout set includes some dynamic stretches, so you don’t have to go directly from pajamas to push-ups. Get the workout details here.


9. You only need to think about two moves in this workout, so you can focus all of your mental energy on crushing it.

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Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

Repeat 5x: • Push-Ups — 30 seconds Rest — 30 seconds • Squat Jumps — 30 seconds Rest — 30 seconds

Push-ups are a great move for engaging all of your major muscle groups, and the squat jumps drive your heart rate up. Get the workout details here.


10. This routine only has three moves but it is seriously tough.

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Valerie Fischel

Repeat 3x: • 20 Goblet Squats • 15 Reverse Woodchops (15 on both sides) • 10 Burpees With Strict Pushups Rest 1 Minute

In just three multitasking moves, you’ll put all of your major muscle groups to work. Get the workout details here.

MWi would like to thank self.com and Alexa Tucker for sharing their expert knowledge with our community.  Read the original article on:



More about the Expert:

Alexa Tucker is a freelance writer and editor based in Denver, Colorado. She covers all things health and wellness including fitness, nutrition, and general health, as well as travel, beauty, and lifestyle. Alexa received her bachelor’s degree in journalism from the renowned Missouri School of Journalism, and her digital work has since been published by SELF, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, mindbodygreen, Well+Good, New York Magazine’s The Strategist, and many more.