
MWi diligently sources expert content and curates compelling weekly articles. This process takes into account a range of factors, including member surveys, community feedback, seasonal trends, health observances, and annual programs.


Create the Ultimate Bedtime Routine

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Reading time: 5 Minutes MWi Hack: A consistent and personalized bedtime routine can significantly improve sleep quality and overall well-being for the whole family. MWi…

Sleep and Traumatic Brain Injury

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Reading time: 5 Minutes MWi Hack: Learn about how a traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects sleep, and how to improve sleep patterns following a TBI.…

Fix Your Sleep Schedule

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Reading time: 5 Minutes MWi Hack: Learn several different ways to re-establish your circadian rhythm after disruptions like jet lag or shift work. MWi Summary:…


Healthy Eating for the Entire Family

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Reading time:  5 Minutes MWi Hack:  Parents can encourage healthy eating habits in their children by having regular family meals, serving a variety of nutritious…

Healthy Eating

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Reading time:  8 Minutes MWi Hack:  Learn about what a healthy diet really means and how to create habits that allow you eat more mindfully.…

How What You Eat Affects How You Sleep

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Reading time:  8 Minutes MWi Hack:  The correlation between diet and sleep quality is supported by evidence suggesting certain foods, like kiwis and tart cherries…


It’s The Month of the Military Child – Let’s Get Active!

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Reading time:  6 Minutes MWi Hack: Learn different strategies for how parents can help their kids consistently exercise. MWi Summary: Parents can make physical activity…

Why Exercise is Important in the Rehabilitation of Brain Injury Patients

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Reading time:  6 Minutes MWi Hack: Learn about the impact that exercise can have on the recovery process after a TBI. MWi Summary: Exercise helps…

Nutrition’s Role in Physical Fitness

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Reading time:  6 Minutes MWi Hack: Optimize your fitness journey by recognizing the synergy between nutrition and physical activity—fueling your body with the right balance…