Texas, do you have a hard time making it to the gym consistently? There are plenty of options for at home workouts, and you can find ideas in this week's article. We hope you find this helpful and motivating!

Reading time: 3 Minutes

MWi Hacks:

  • Learn five great circuits to do at home with no equipment
  • Get fit by doing the same simple exercise routines

MWi Summary:

  • Sometimes it can be an obstacle to get to the gym with a busy schedule. There are plenty of workouts you can do that do not require a gym.
  • This article goes over workouts that can be done in a variety of situations: indoor cardio for any fitness level, workouts for small spaces, exercise at your desk, small-space strength circuit, and bodyweight workouts that require no equipment.

5 indoor workouts to keep you fit all year round

Fact: Getting to and from the gym eats up valuable time in your already jam-packed schedule, never mind the added challenge of braving the elements when it’s raining, snowing, or just plain cold. When all you need to do is roll out of bed, squeezing in a workout seems much more doable. So why aren’t more people working out at home? Often, it’s a space issue. And without specialized machines at the ready, it can be hard to conceive of a full-body workout that will be sufficient.

We’ve got you covered. Try these no-equipment, small-space workouts when you want to sweat it out in the comfort of your own home.

indoor workouts1. Indoor cardio for any fitness level, any space, and any time

You don’t need a treadmill or an elliptical to get in a good cardio workout. Start with a warm-up and build your fitness foundation in part one (click here) of our indoor cardio series. Then move on to our ramped-up intermediate and advanced routines in part two (click here).

indoor workouts

2. Four quick and effective workout moves you can do in your bedroom

If you live in a shared apartment or house, your roommates might not appreciate you taking over the living room to do squat thrusts while they’re trying to study or watch TV. Fortunately, you can get your sweat on even in the tiniest of bedrooms with these small-space moves (click here).

indoor workouts3. Exercise at your desk

Take a break from studying or work to get your blood pumping with this workout (click here) you can do right at your desk. The only equipment you need is a desk, a chair, and a heavy book (we know you’ve got plenty of those).

indoor workouts4. A small-space circuit workout to improve cardio and strength

Circuit training is great for anyone because you don’t need much space and it can be done with minimal or no equipment. Try this basic circuit routine (click here) that includes warm-up and cool-down exercises for a solid workout any time of day.

indoor workouts5. Your body, your gym, in three moves

Our trainer takes you through three easy body-weight exercises (click here) you can do anywhere: arm pulses, calf raises, and shoulder taps in plank position.

MWi would like to thank Julie Howd for sharing her expert knowledge with our community.  Read the original article on:



More about the Expert:

Julie Howd is a writer and educator from Massachusetts. She holds an MFA from the University of Texas at Austin, and is the author of Threshold (Host Publications, 2020), winner of the Host Publications Chapbook Prize, and Talking from the Knees Up (dancing girl press, 2018). She is the editor of CampusWell.