Massachusetts, how do you feel about your digestion lately? Normal digestion can help support our overall health and wellness! You can read about tips for improving your digestion in this week's article. We hope you find this helpful and informative!

Reading time: 4 Minutes

MWi Hack:

  • Learn what foods can improve your digestion
  • Find out what you could start doing today that is not food-related to improve your digestion

MWi Summary:

  • Healthy digestion leads to a healthy weight, glowing skin, and high energy levels.
  • Here are five tips to help improve your digestion:
    • Start your day with lemon water.
    • Eat more fiber.
    • Remember to chew your food.
    • Eat more herbs and spices.
    • Take a probiotic.

The gut could be the most important organ in your body, after the heart! Poor digestion can be a major bump on your way to your best, most radiant you, while great digestion leads to a healthy weight, glowing skin, high energy levels, and of course a side effect of a flat belly.


It’s super important to remember that great digestion is a 2-step process: while it’s important to get your nutrients from healthy food, it’s just as important to detoxify, so that your body has the capacity to absorb the goodness. The tips below, which have become my personal formula after years of trial and error, will help you achieve a great balance between the two.


1. Lemon Elixir

Start your day with lemon elixir. Not only it hydrates the body, but also works as a fabulous detoxifier. The most simple version is a glass of warm filtered water with juice of 1/2 lemon, but my favorite (and super effective!) cocktail consists of water, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon turmeric, a dash of cayenne pepper and a dash of raw honey. There’s no better way to awake your system and boost your digestive tract!

2. Fiber up!

Increase your intake of Fiber-rich foods to avoid bloating. An easy way to do it is to make a fiber-rich smoothie with fruit and vegetables. Green veggies are also amazing for detoxification and weight management. They strengthen the blood and respiratory system and are nutritionally very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A,C, E, and K. Here are my three favorite green smoothie recipes (they’re vegan, gluten free and soy free – as clean as it gets).

3. Remember to chew

Chew your food! Chewing breaks your food, making it easier to digest and helping your intestines to absorb nutrients and energy from the food. Slow down at next meal time and watch the results. Experts suggest to chew each mouthful 30-50 times.

4. Herbal power

Turn to nature. There are many herbs and spices that you can add to your daily cooking for better digestion, such as cinnamon, ginger (try Healthy Mango Lassi Smoothie Bowl with Ginger), turmeric (like in this Oatmeal Cookie Dough Smoothie Bowl) cumin, cayenne pepper, caraway.

Drinking high-quality herbal teas can make a world of difference – there are even teas designed specifically to improve gut health.

If you don’t go to the bathroom daily (that’s the very minimum for a healthy digestive tract), I also recommend trying out herbal supplements that combine herbs that have been used for better digestion for thousands of years.

My favorite one is Mimonis (they’re organic and made in small batches by a family business in Israel). Not only it boosts your metabolism in the most natural way possible, but it also detoxifies your body and helps it be more receptive to the vitamins it receives from nutrient-rich foods (such as green smoothies mentioned above!) It’s great when you’re traveling and digestion tends to slow down!

5. Probiotic

Take a probiotic in the morning. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria naturally present in your digestive tract. Most of us are lacking bacteria, and it’s always beneficial to give our system a boost by taking a probiotic daily to enhance nutrient absorption. I’m really keen on Sunbiotics organic powdered probiotics (with added superfoods like mesquite and vanilla) – it’s the most delicious and healthy way to take your probiotics.

6. Disconnect

Put your phone down (and laptop away) at mealtime – it will improve your digestion! Focus on your food, and nothing else. It’s much easier than you think – just give it a try. As a food blogger, my personal rule is that food pictures are allowed (obviously), but once they’re taken, focus on the meal and your beautiful company. The world won’t end if you post your photo later.

MWi would like to thank Ksenia Avdulova for sharing her expert insights with our community.  Read the original article:

More on the Author:

Ksenia Avdulova is the founder of the award-nominated digital platform Breakfast Criminals and the host of Woke & Wired podcast, focusing on expanded consciousness and entrepreneurship in the digital age. Named “35 Under 35 In Wellness” by Wanderlust and “Top Social Media Coach” by Yahoo Finance, Ksenia is here to merge our inner tech (intuition) with outer tech (social media) for a world where you feel at home to share your medicine. She does it through storytelling, consulting and online programs.

Ksenia has partnered with brands like Vitamix, Miu Miu, Adidas, THINX, GirlUp and Glossier and appeared on the cover of Kashi GOLEAN cereal boxes nationwide (without being a pro athlete).

She has mentored hundreds of healers, artists and entrepreneurs into aligning their unique gifts with their self-expression online. Ksenia loves public speaking and has led keynotes and workshops at the United Nations GirlUp Summit, Washington University’s Olin Business School, WELLSummit, MindBodyGreen’s Revitalize, Lead with Love, The Upside and other conscious leadership events globally.